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Last updated on February 28th, 2024 at 09:53 am

In today’s world, where energy costs are on the rise and environmental concerns are pressing, finding ways to save energy around the house not only benefits your wallet but also contributes to a more sustainable future. By implementing simple yet effective energy-saving strategies, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and lower your utility bills. Here are five practical ways to save money on energy around the house.

The average annual domestic electricity bill in the United Kingdom rose from 2010 to 2022. In this period, homes with an annual consumption of 5,100 kilowatt-hours saw bills soar from £539 to £1,099, and the figure seems to be rising. This article explains how to keep your bills low by making some changes around the house. By implementing these changes, you could save up to £1258 per year on your energy bills.

Energy-Saving Measure Potential Annual Savings (£)
Reduce Washing Machine Temperature £10 (average)
Reduce Washing Machine and Dishwasher Cycles £8
Opt for Energy-Efficient Appliances Varies based on choices
Switch Off Lights and Unplug Appliances £70 (combined)
Adjust Heating Settings £80
Home Insulation (e.g., Loft Padding) Up to £130
Smart Thermostat and Meter £50-£75 (estimate)
Energy-Efficient Boiler Upgrade Up to £840
Off-Peak Energy Tariffs Dependent on tariff structure
Total Up to £1,258


1. Embrace Efficient Lighting

One of the easiest ways to cut down on energy consumption is by optimising your lighting choices. Traditional incandescent bulbs are notorious for being energy inefficient and short-lived. Consider switching to energy-efficient LED bulbs, which use up to 80% less energy and can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

Additionally, make a habit of turning off lights when leaving a room, and take advantage of natural light during the day. Installing motion sensors or timers can help ensure that lights are only on when needed, further reducing energy wastage. These devices detect when nobody is in the room and instantly switch the lights. Turning off your lights when you leave the room will save you around £20 (£30 in Northern Ireland) a year on your annual energy bills.

Another thing you could consider is embracing sunlight and mirrors. Lights don’t necessarily need to be on during the daytime. Keep your blinds open and rely on windows in the day. In the night, you can make lamps go further with strategic mirror placement allowing light to bounce around the room.

2. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

Household appliances are major contributors to energy consumption. When it’s time to replace old appliances, opt for energy-efficient models that have earned the ENERGY STAR label. These appliances are designed to use significantly less energy without compromising on performance.

From refrigerators and dishwashers to washing machines and air conditioners, choosing energy-efficient options can result in substantial savings on your energy bills over time. Opting for energy-efficient appliances, such as LED bulbs and microwaves, can also reduce electricity usage.

Upgrading to a more energy-efficient boiler may require an initial investment but can result in substantial long-term savings. A-rated boilers with advanced controls contribute to efficient heating. You can schedule a boiler upgrade and installation at a time convenient for you with Warmable.


3. seal and insulate

3. Seal and Insulate

Home insulation is a long-term investment that can significantly reduce energy consumption. Simple measures, such as loft padding and double glazing, can result in substantial savings.

Proper insulation and sealing are essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature and preventing energy loss. Check for gaps, cracks, and leaks around windows, doors, and other potential entry points for drafts. Seal these areas with weatherstripping or caulk to prevent heat exchange between your home and the outside environment.

Adequate insulation in your attic and walls can also have a profound impact on energy efficiency, helping to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter without overworking your HVAC system.

4. Smart Thermostat Management

Heating and cooling account for a significant portion of household energy consumption. By installing a smart thermostat, you can have better control over your home’s temperature settings and optimize energy usage. These devices can learn your daily routines and adjust the temperature accordingly, ensuring that your HVAC system isn’t running unnecessarily when you’re not at home.

Additionally, many smart thermostats can be controlled remotely through smartphone apps, allowing you to make real-time adjustments and further reduce energy waste. If you need to check heating system is running efficiently, consider booking a boiler service to make sure your boiler is being well maintained.

5. Efficient Water Usage

Conserving water goes hand in hand with saving energy, especially when it comes to water heating. Start by fixing any leaks promptly to avoid wasting both water and the energy required to heat it.

Consider using low-flow fixtures and aerators in faucets and showers to reduce water consumption without sacrificing water pressure. Washing clothes with cold water instead of hot or warm water can also cut down on energy usage. If your water heater is due for an upgrade, consider installing a more energy-efficient model or exploring alternative options like tankless water heaters.


6‍. Small Habit Changes

Making some small habit changes can end up saving you a lot of money each year on your energy bills. For example, while the winter peak hours reduction scheme may have concluded, exploring off-peak energy tariffs with suppliers could offer potential savings.

Lowering the washing machine temperature to 30°C and reducing washing machine and dishwasher cycles can lead to noticeable savings. Here are some more small switches you can make:

Appliance Small Change Estimated Annual Savings
Washing Machine Lower temperature to 30°C £10 (average)
Dishwasher Reduce one cycle per week £8
Light Bulbs Switch to LED bulbs £15
Microwave Use instead of oven £80


Closing Thoughts

Incorporating energy-saving practices into your daily routine doesn’t just benefit the environment—it also puts more money back in your pocket. You could also be eligible for government grants or subsidies from your energy company. From making smarter lighting choices and upgrading appliances to sealing your home effectively and managing your thermostat wisely, there are numerous ways to reduce energy consumption around the house.

By taking proactive steps to conserve energy, you’re not only contributing to a more sustainable future but also enjoying the immediate benefits of lower utility bills and increased comfort in your living space. So, start implementing these strategies today and witness the positive impact on both your finances and the environment.

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Andrew Speer

Andrew Speer is the co-founder of Warmable drawing on more than 15 years of experience working in property and home repairs industry in the UK